
Sharpen your understanding of hormonal balancing and estrogen level management.

The transition to menopause can be a time of reflection and inspiration. Although transitions of any kind can be inherently difficult, many women experience a newfound sense of freedom and personal growth during menopause. As one author put it: “Menopause is a time of great change — it is the adolescence of older age but better than the adolescence of youth because menopausal women have confidence and experience.”

Women begin to experience hormonal changes beginning in their late 30s to early 40s; however, many women do not realize that their symptoms are from hormonal changes. Hormones fluctuate during the lifetime and the menstrual cycle.

Hormone therapy is an $840-million industry: Approximately 8 million women are receiving supplementation with synthetic hormone therapy using ethinyl estradiol and progestin. There are 6 million women who use synthetic estrogen alone. Over 2 million women are currently using hormone therapy, and many are obtaining relief from their symptoms.

Synthetic hormones, known as “patented,” “conventional,” or “artificial,” are produced from products that are usually not found in nature, or at least not in humans. This is because natural sources cannot be patented. The substances are chemically altered from human hormones, but not identical in structure or activity to the natural hormones they emulate …

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Hi - I am Deborah, and was the founding director of talkhealth My blog is generally focused around my own personal story about weight loss, running, exercise and generally trying to get and stay fit, as well as what's been in the news that's topical. Any views expressed are my own.

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