The government has announced the problem with obesity, we eat too much yet fail to accept that is the problem.

Statistics show that in England more than 60% of the adult population are obese and 23% of 4 to 5 year olds are either overweight or obese.

The solution, according to the government, is to eat less, cook right and accept how much you are eating. Local councils are also helping by promoting more physical activity in green spaces and cycling schemes.

However critics are confused as the national daily calorie guidelines have changed for the first time in 20 years to allow people to consume more calories each day. Also causing outrage among some people is the encouragement to spend more time outside yet parks and play areas are rapidly being sold off.

So what is the solution? Add your comments to this and what you think we could be doing to bring obesity levels down, or do you think this is the right solution? We would love to know what you think.

To read more on this story click here.



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