
19 Oct 2011

Hey Guys,

I am sooo sorry that I haven’t blogged in a while but college has just gotten really stressful because of applying for Universities and my lecturers seem to be piling the work on me! My skin is a bit bad today (probably because of stress) but it’s nothing I can’t handle, I’m increasing my amount of water and vegetable intake so my body can be cleansed a bit.

As for the diet, I haven’t really cheated since I was at the (stupid) restaurant, I’ve been managing to make food for myself and lug it around with me to prevent me from needing to eat any other foods. I’ve realized lately that my skin won’t really clear up in a month, that’s just me dreaming, but I really hope to have made a big improvement by Christmas! My skin has not flared up really badly in a while now so I’m hoping that that is the diet taking effect, plus I’ve also noticed that on this diet I don’t freak out as much as I used to when my skin flares up, it used to be instant depression when I saw how bad it suddenly got, but now I’m far more relaxed about it and I think it’s because the diet has calmed me down a bit, awesome!

OH and I almost forgot, I had steak again the other night, but this time cooked for literally one minute each side, and it was very bloody! But still very nice, I think my body had a bit more trouble with digesting that one & I felt a bit odd after eating it, but I think after having a few more such as that my body will adjust and then I can cook it even less! My mother will be making me a stew tomorrow (lots of vegies & meat) so that’s something new! And I also really want to start having vegetables shakes in the morning, I just need to buy the right vegetables & I have found some great recipes online!
So again I’m really sorry for that massive gap between blogs but the stress is a bit heavy at the moment, I’m hoping it’ll ease off soon because I have a week off next week! Hope everyone is doing well
Bye guys

Brooke x



Hey, my name is Brooke. Basically, I have this blog so I can talk about eczema. I have suffered with eczema all my life, and when I turned 13 it flared up for no apparent reason, and has remained basically the same. So on here I will hopefully be blogging everyday explaining new things I am using to try and fight eczema, and hopefully I will overcome it. Happy blogging!