Danny Lieberman, founder of Pathcare, talks about how to help doctors and patients coordination care with simple, easy-to-use commodity digital tools that can be provided on the Internet as a service.

Leaving in the Middle East, our experience has been that is up to the patient and caregiver to coordinate the treatment between various physicians.   In the US, the fragmented nature of the healthcare system also frequently results in patients and caregivers coordinating the care themselves.

My Mom passed away from MSA (Multiple system atrophy) and my Dad (a retired systems engineer) would coordinate care, taking copious notes in paper notebooks and bringing his notes to each meeting with a different specialist/consultant.

Somehow it seemed to that we should be able to get technology to help us out with this task and make decision making easier for doctors and care giving easier for families and patients by enabling a much simpler, friendlier and friction-free way of exchanging information – patients provide personal experiences (when the person fell or had dizziness in movement disorders like Parkinsons) and the doctors provide clinical guidance.

Imagine updating your medical record was as simple as updating your status on Facebook, only totally private and secure?

Using private social networking for doctors and patients for care coordination

Private social networking for patients and doctors  enables physicians, patients and caregivers to interact directly, share data and exchange referrals. This is a peer-to-peer interaction that doesn’t require registration and contracts with third-parties. Since the private social network for patients and doctors is built on vendor-neutral standards, anyone can join the private social network for patients and doctors or be invited) and exchange transacations with other healthcare providers or patients.

Private social networks for patients and doctors uses the vendor neutral standards of the Internet for communications and data formats:

Private social networks for healthcare are democratic – they are equally accessible for nurses, physiotherapists, private practioners in  small town in England, a large hospital in Mumbai or a neurology specialist in Israel.

Private social networking for doctors and patients services include:

  1. Enable a specialist to receive basic medical information from the primary care doctor
  2. Enable the primary care doctor to receive a report back from a specialist
  3. Make patient test results/medical records available at the time of an appointment
  4. Enable doctors to provide important medical information to other doctors or nurses that the patient think s should have it
  5. Notify patients about test results
  6. Enable patients to provide their physician/clinical care team with their personal experiences regarding the treatment plan

In summary – taking a page out of Facebook, imagine care coordination between doctors and patients that was simple as updating your status in Facebook.





Danny Lieberman is the authority in applying threat analysis to Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) in healthcare. He is a sought-after speaker, prolific blogger on healthcare technology, and advisor on software security and privacy compliance issues to healthcare and medical device vendors. He is passionate about Pathcare: the private social network for a doctor and her patients. Danny is a solid-state physicist by training, professional programmer by vocation and avid amateur saxophonist and biker.

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