Ella just loves drawing. She often asks for ‘paper’ and will sit and draw at her little table for ages. It seems to be the one activity that holds her attention and calms her inner whirlwind for a time. Her favorite thing to draw at the moment is a face, asking you to draw her a ‘big circle’ and then she tells you to draw a mouth, eyes, ears, nose, sometimes glasses and always curly hair! 

Last summer we came across a fab easel in a local charity shop. During the hot days it lived with her chalks, crayons and paper outside. When it got cooler I put the easel in the kitchen with the intention of putting it away until the summer but I found Ella would gravitate to it and it was useful to keep her occupied while I was in the kitchen. So it has become a permanent feature. And she’s getting good at ‘mark making’ – lines, scribbles and attempts at circles too. I often come into the kitchen to find a new ‘picture’ on her chalkboard (and sometimes she even decorates the kitchen cupboards too…)


Amy Dunn

Our first baby, Ella Mary, was born at the end of November 2010. We were shocked to find out soon after her birth that she has Down's Syndrome. I was determined from the start that Down's Syndrome will never define Ella or what she is able to do. We will provide for her everything she needs to become the child and the person she deserves to be. There will be hard times ahead.... there are already many hard times behind us. But I already know that the good times will always outweigh the hard times. She has taught me so much in such a short time and seeing life from a new perspective is a privilege that not many of us get the chance to experience.

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