Unexpected ;-)

22 Jun 2014

Given last nights blog post of goals that I have hit, I imagine that you might have guessed what was coming tonight?! ;-)

Yes, you are right…some more goals!

So first of all let’s get a little bit more ‘scientific’ than me just writing a list, let’s take a look back at something I wrote a while ago. I have set quite a few goals in my work and private life – although it’s not so private now really considering I write bloody everything on here. The thing about goals is that they ideally need to have a few components to make them work…you may have heard of SMART goals before, but if not…

Achievable and Attainable

So let’s look at these in a bit more detail:

Specific: Vagueness does not cut it here I am afraid! Clear and concise goals that make you want to work for them. If you tell your mind what it is – exactly – that you want to do, it will help you out.

Measurable: How will you know that you have achieved your goal if you don’t have a measure. A goal of losing lots of weight is great…that is my goal! Yet what is the first thing you wonder when someone mentions losing weight…”How much?” Have a clear measure – how much weight do you want to lose, and by when. This measure can help in terms of motivation – I have a success chart with shiny stickers on it at home, and I use the online tracker with Slimming World…it keeps me going to see more stickers and a chart with a line that is in decline!

Achievable: This was one of the things that I used to struggle with in terms of my weight loss goal. I kept looking at the finish – I need to lose over 32st, how the feck do I do it, and where do I start?! So I struggled to get started at it was all so bloody overwhelming. You have to make sure that your goal is doable. I broke my weight loss into 3st segments and have a chart with a page for each of these…now, I actually focus on the next award – so 7lb goals instead of 42lbs goals…and certainly not the 453.5lbs total weight loss goal! If you aim too high, you lose focus and it becomes meaningless – and a lack of focus on something meaningless leads to no action…which leads to a fatter arse, lower self-esteem and a general sense of peed-offness!

Relevant: Make your goal incredibly relevant to your current circumstance. A relevant goal can answer yes to these questions: Does this seem worthwhile? Is this the right time? Does this match my other efforts/needs? Try not to link goals – so having things that are unconnected – such as losing 7lbs this month and enrolling on a university course. Is the 7lbs loss linked to the university course…if not, then don’t confuse your mind. Let it focus on the goal you really want to achieve.

Time-bound: You need a start and you need an end. I kept promising myself that I would lose weight. When?! When are you going to commit. By what point in time do you want to lose that first 7lbs? Keep the focus on the short term, and break bigger goals down into bite-sized chunks…oh the irony in talking about bite-sized chunks with weight loss goals…maybe having less bite-sized chunks should be a goal in itself! Set a date for your goal and bloody well give it your all!

As for other goal related tips – write them down. I find having a journal or a list of my goals – so that I can tick them off – is a great motivator. Some people will say that having goals puts too much pressure on them…I would say that their goals aren’t SMART in that case. Seriously – if you feel too much pressure then your goal is too big. A goal should motivate you…not comatose or scare you into a lack of action.

Share your goals with someone – this can help with the accountability. Scary perhaps, to be accountable…but being fat and unhealthy is a pretty scary place to be. I know which scary place I would rather choose.

I have already harped on about breaking your goal into smaller chunks. Do this – please! If you don’t then you aren’t going to get very far. Once your small goal has been hit, set another one. The goal-setting process is something that I think about on a weekly basis. It gives you something to aim for…and it can be quite good fun too!

Get creative and find your inner child. We all learn differently. Some people like words. Some people like sounds. Some people like pictures…what appeals to you? I am a bugger and kind of like all of it really. So I write my goals down, I use old magazines and cut out pictures for collages, and I even record some of my goals so that I can play them back to myself. Do whatever makes you excited and whatever makes you want to achieve that goal.

When it comes to achieving those goals, only you can do it. I can certainly help you identify some goals though and get them looking SMART – so give me a shout if you want some help with this bit!

Finally, some people say to set one goal at a time. My personal choice is to set loads…loads of things that you can tick off your list. And they don’t have to be weight related either. Setting a goal of decluttering your spare room, or cleaning out your car, or having a tidy up of your work space…all of these things can free up space in your mind so that you can focus on other things.

As for my goals…well – I am ticking along nicely, but I do have a few that I would like to achieve…and I am going to set a few that will stretch me too. I just want these ticked off by this time next year.

1. Shift at least 75% of my excess weight – which would be 340.2lbs.
2. Meet with a skin removal specialist and have a plan of action relating to my sagginess.
3. Riding – I want to be horse riding.
4. Take part in a horse event – maybe a training event, with other people.
5. Have completed a full class at the gym – Kettlebell or BodyPump…or even WaterSpin class!
6. Go to an event at school for my niece and nephew.
7. Get out to a busy Christmas market…even though people in crowds annoy me! ;-)
8. Be able to squat at the gym – my knees are weak and squatting is tough.
9. Go on some form of public transport.
10. Get a haircut at a proper place instead of them coming to my house!
11. Finally tackle my garden…it seriously looks like a jungle out there and is threatening to take over the house.
12. Get my spare room sorted.
13. Begin the process to become a foster carer.
14. Plan my wedding!
15. Spend as much time with loved ones as I can…but this is a given for me! ;-)

I am going to add to this list and each time I think of a new goal, I will let you know. And shout up if you have a goal in mind for me given how much you know about me now! :-)

Write your own list of goals too…and if you need any help with it, then shout up!

Today has been good – nice and relaxed. I went to see the horses and they were fine, so I left them mooching in the field. We quickly popped to the shops, and then I made Mr WLB more of his veggie juices. He has been complaining like a bugger today, despite saying last night that the burning in his throat was easing! So we had a ‘discussion’ of sorts and he is continuing with the juice! :-) I then went to catch up with my sister and the kids…which was fun. I think I managed to divert a crisis by suggesting that my niece use headphones with the iPad when listening to One Direction…my sister looked ready to implode! I headed home and grabbed lunch, then prepared my FB recipes and stuff for the week, then did a bit of Pilates…and am hoping to relax soon and read a book about psychopaths!

Breakfast: Boiled eggs, banana, and a nectarine.

20140622-192020.jpgLunch: Smoked salmon rolls with raspberries and blueberries (2 x HEB).

20140622-192106.jpgDinner: Chicken stuffed with cheese and wrapped in bacon, with homemade coleslaw and salad (2 x HEA and 1 syn).

20140622-192214.jpgSnacks: Donut peaches and a Bounce Ball (10.5 syns).

20140622-192305.jpgA delicious food day…a rather fruity one! Brekkie was the usual with a nectarine. We got carried away at the market the other day and have a fridge full of fruit in need of being eaten! Lunch was smoked salmon fillets in brown rolls, with raspberries and blueberries. Dinner was lush. I wrapped chicken in bacon after putting cheese on top of it, and then made some homemade coleslaw with a bag of mix, some Hellmann’s lighter than light mayo, lemon juice, cumin, and garlic, and added some salad to it too. My snacks were lovely too…although I am slightly sad as it was the last of my Bounce Balls! ;-)

Exercise: 35 minutes Pilates.

Thank you for reading,

Weight Loss Bitch xxx



On a health and fitness driven journey to lose over 32st / 448lbs / 203kgs – yes, it is a considerable amount – I am committed to losing my excess weight without the aid of weight loss surgery, diet pills, or quick fixes…as there aren’t any! Changing my eating habits and building up my fitness levels, along with addressing the ‘head issues’ will be crucial in order for me to achieve my goal. Living in England as a 31 year old super morbidly obese woman can be challenging to say the least. I have been shouted at in the street and verbally abused far too many times to mention; hence the name ‘Weight Loss Bitch’…the day I am just called a ‘bitch’ instead of a ‘fat bitch’ will be the day that I know I have cracked my weight loss! With many reasons to lose this weight I am documenting my journey for a number of reasons. Firstly, I would like to keep a record of the ups and downs, the highs and lows, and the challenges I face with such an enormous task to tackle. Secondly, I would also like to inspire and encourage other people who are in a similar situation and to show them that significant amounts of weight can be lost naturally…with a bit of motivation, hard work, dedication and will power. Thirdly, all of the blogging, Facebook-ing, Tweet-ing, Pinterest-ing and YouTube-ing keeps me occupied and keeps my fingers out of the fridge!

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