13 Oct 2014

talkhealth's charity supporters news

Today a new online platform has been released which focuses on mental health in the workplace.

WE CAN WORK IT OUT is a membership site, which supports owners of SMEs to create a workplace environment where employees with mental health problems can speak out and help to bridge the gap in communication. Employers who sign up will gain access to resources, a workbook, HR support, peer support and expert sessions. They’ll also commit to supporting their employees where mental health is concerned.

Jayne Hardy, Founder of We Can Work It Out, says:

WCWIO image
‘There’s no doubt that the cost of mental health issues on the UK economy are crippling. But it’s also about people. People who need to be supported, people who need to be given the opportunity to be open about their experiences and to then not be over-looked for promotion. People who need a sense of purpose, who deserve the chance to grow, to recover and to fulfil their potential.

From a business perspective, it’s often more financially beneficial to support an employee to remain in work than to shoulder the cost of presenteeism, absenteeism, re-recruitment and training. The benefits of opening the pathway of communication, supporting employers in supporting their employees and raising awareness of mental health problems in the workplace, are clear. More people remain in work, with a sense of purpose, integrating with their peers and financial independence. For their employers – healthy, happy employees equals healthy, happy bottom lines.’
Visit www.wcwio.org for more information.


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