I See…

30 Jun 2016

I look at these photographs and see so many things… 



I see my little artist drawing – one of her favourite things to do.

I see her concentration and focus on the task at hand.

I see a lovely three point pen grip, fine motor skills in action.

I see a story being told and ideas coming to life. The picture she is drawing has meaning to Ella and she can tell me what it is – she now knows what she will draw before she starts and is no longer just making marks or shapes on the paper.

I see a picture that is also recognisable to others – figures with faces and bodies with arms and legs.

I see a pirate and a treasure map (if you were wondering!) – complete with an ‘x marks the spot’. Pirates are the theme this half term at school and she’s definitely enjoying the experience – an added ‘aaaarrrr’ as she draws the pirate (complete with hat).

I see how far she has come during her first year at school, what she has achieved and how hard she has worked. As reception comes to an end and we begin to prepare her for Year 1 and a more structured approach to learning, I wonder (worry) how she will cope with the transition. We have her annual EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) review next week and my list of things to discuss and questions to ask is already fairly long with many more flying round my head and keeping me awake at night. I know she has every reason to keep progressing, growing, learning and being happy at school. She has lovely friends and teachers and enjoys being there.

I see potential, expectations and hopes.

I see Ella xx



Amy Dunn

Our first baby, Ella Mary, was born at the end of November 2010. We were shocked to find out soon after her birth that she has Down's Syndrome. I was determined from the start that Down's Syndrome will never define Ella or what she is able to do. We will provide for her everything she needs to become the child and the person she deserves to be. There will be hard times ahead.... there are already many hard times behind us. But I already know that the good times will always outweigh the hard times. She has taught me so much in such a short time and seeing life from a new perspective is a privilege that not many of us get the chance to experience.

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