There is no doubt that one of the most aggravating, and sometimes annoyingly persistent, symptoms of menopause are those dratted hot flushes and night sweats.

Every woman seems to respond differently and to have her own unique timetable for their treatment but there are some key measures that can give you the best chance of success.

Good hormone balance is essential and for this it is bioidentical natural progesterone that forms the base of any regime where oestrogen dominance is at work. It is at perimenopause that this deficiency in progesterone is first seen as menopausal symptoms arising from oestrogen dominance occur and increase at menopause proper. It is essential to have oestrogen adequately balanced by progesterone as this vitally important hormone increases sex drive, boosts adrenal production, helps and lessens fatigue, aids with thyroid dysfunction, helps with ‘fuzzy’ thinking and in balancing blood sugar. Women with extreme symptoms may find they are helped by a combination cream of bioidentical natural progesterone and natural oestrogens if progesterone alone is not fully controlling their symptoms.

To support good hormone balance there are some natural aids that you incorporate into your self care hormone regime:

Flaxseed oil can help with night sweats, anxiety and moods and has a very high content of omega-3 fatty acids

Evening primrose oil is rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), a fatty acid involved in the production of hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. Although not universally agreed on, as some studies have found it ineffective, women have found relief from hot flashes, night sweats,difficulty sleeping and migraines.

Zinc is a precursor for progesterone, so helps with hormone balance and protects the immune system. the hormone balancer for excess estrogen, and it helps keep maintain a strong immune system.

Magnesium is helpful for those menopausal mood swings and if you keep waking at night take a supplement of around 400mg immediately before you go to bed. Make sure you balance the magnesium with calcium as they work best together.

Natural phytoestrogens can help balance fluctuating hormone levels so add rich sources like yams, fennel, apples, nuts and flaxseeds to help balance fluctuating hormone levels.

Stress definitely makes hot flushes worse, so find ways to reduce it in your life and take up a calming antidote such as yoga, meditation or tai chi. Supplementing with the ‘stress vitamins’ C and B complex will also make a difference.



AnnA Rushton is an experienced author and speaker on health, personal development and creativity. With a background in television, theatre and advertising she is a natural communicator with a particular interest in womens health and holistic medicine. Her books include 'Natural Progesterone', How to Cope Successfully With Stress', 'Tips For Hot Flushes', 'Dealing With Procrastination' and 'How To Write Your Life Story' all of which are available at

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