Boho or beige??

15 Apr 2012

Let’s continue with decorating my new pad here at talkhealth. Don’t worry I won’t exhaust the metaphor – we won’t be picking out coasters together. But I would like to set the tone, the style. My persona. And then we can discuss how Parkinson’s has affected it, because it has believe me.

I’ve always made stuff, loved arts and crafts, stitched and knitted but I’m a scientist by nature, analytical as well as intuitive. I work in the financial sector and spend my days problem solving. I was considered a bit of a high achiever I seem to remember. And then Parkinson’s came along.

So I was a business chick, tastefully taupe. Now? Now I have a blonde streak, wear colour and pattern, dress in vintage and knit for Britain. It’s fair to say I’ve changed. But I’ve tightened as well as loosened. So my boho prints have a darker tinge. I may have decided to try to live in the moment but the meds I am on enhance Parkinson’s tendency towards anxiety. I can’t handle stress like before. And with 2 small boys that’s hard to cope with.

Parkinson’s is a brain disease and boy can you tell. I’d say the emotional side is the toughest nut to crack. I need a friendly squirrel. He’d be welcome in my new house, the sooner the better.



Shall I introduce myself? My name is Stitch This. Ah, you've guessed already that I've made that up, nobody would have parents that cruel would they? No, I write under a pseudonym so I can feel fairly free and easy about my comments and thoughts. So much more fun when you are invisible I think. I have two small, noisy, sticky boys and a husband who is rapidly turning into a boat-head as a pose to the rabid petrol head he has been ever since we met. Which was when we were 18. I am in my, ahem, early 40's and was diagnosed with Early Onset Parkinson's in January 2008 although the symptoms started Summer 2005. I have an established blog where I record my stitchy attempts and general life ramblings which hitherto has included PD stuff to a certain extent. It was that blog that has brought me here.