A quicker path…

27 Sep 2011

Hey guys,

I’ve decided that I’m going to attempt the Raw Paleo Diet. I’m going to slowly introduce a lot of raw foods and meats into my diet because it is said to work a lot faster than the regular Paleo diet, so I’m hoping if it does work I can see results quicker 🙂

My skin is okay at the moment, a bit bad on my arms, better on my back and my legs, a bit red on my face but not too bad. I’ve just done a coconut milk hair mask on my scalp so maybe it will help, but I won’t know the results until my hair is dry. So I’m really hoping the raw diet will kick in soon, because I’ve read so much about it and it’s supposed to be really good for your body, although the first few days of introducing it will probably take a tole on my body, it may be worth it 🙂

Hope everyone is good,

bye guys!

Brooke x



Hey, my name is Brooke. Basically, I have this blog so I can talk about eczema. I have suffered with eczema all my life, and when I turned 13 it flared up for no apparent reason, and has remained basically the same. So on here I will hopefully be blogging everyday explaining new things I am using to try and fight eczema, and hopefully I will overcome it. Happy blogging!

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