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Please help me! 17 years old

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:50 pm
by plzHELPme
(First ever post) So my name Lewis, I have had eczema my whole life but in the last 2 years it has been particularly bad. I have felt like giving up often now more than ever.... I have been given countless amounts of ointments, creams and tablets none of which help very much. It's all up and down, 1 day might be good but the next might be crap. My face is the worse, it's just dry and itchy. Every moisturiser I use wears off in about 5 mins and just seems to make it drier. I don't know what to do anymore, I can't do anything because my skin is so distracting so I came on here to see if anyone else is going through the same thing and know I'm not alone.

Re: Please help me! 17 years old

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 4:47 am
by Marcie Mom
Sorry to hear.. does wet wrapping at night help? I know the face is a tricky area to do so, but wonder if it's worth exploring that? And patch test?

Take care,

Re: Please help me! 17 years old

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 10:04 pm
by MommaMaya
I'm a mother of two, but it was my niece who had bad eczema for many years. Similar to you, she tried everything, but it was Trukid's super eczema cream that really helped. It is all natural and didn't irritate her skin, maybe you could give that a try!

Re: Please help me! 17 years old

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:31 am
by AmyLaura
Hi Lewis, I'm Amy (also 17)...your story is pretty much exactly the same as mine- always had eczema recently flared up over the last two years blah blah. I don't know if you are taking your A levels at the moment, but if you are the stress might be flaring it up? I found that in the summer holidays my skin was MUCH calmer and less itchy, but now, in the middle of exams it's worse than ever. In the meantime i've been using a bath emolient, aqueous cream and the precription steroid cream (with no results). The Aveeno itch relief cream is really good for taking away the discomfort , although it doesn't do much for the eczema itself, only the symptoms.
I think the problem with stress related flare ups is that you get stressed because you are getting eczema and then as a result get more eczema (if you see what i mean)...(if you are doing your exams) just think about how it won't last forever, and then hopefully with persistent use of emolients and steroids, and after exams it might improve?

Wish you all the best x

Re: Please help me! 17 years old

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 3:41 am
by Marcie Mom
talking about exams, I'm not sure if eczema teens who had chickenpox will have a higher chance of getting shingles due to stress..take care and sleep/eat well!