Will my GP charge for the first initial Fertility tests?

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by clarebare on Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:23 pm

Will my GP charge for the first initial Fertility tests?

My partner & I have been together over 10yrs. When we were first together we struggled with some lifestyle issues & I didn't have a period for a few years. However my monthlies are monthly now & have been for about 4yrs now, they're regular give or take a day. I believe I ovulate, & we are on benefits, so I cant afford tests from the chemist. I'm now 36yrs so time is really ticking. I had chronic bilateral leg ulcers & they're almost healed but I'm not on any medications which could affect fertility. Simple paracetamol. We've been trying properly for about 6mths now & nothing. So I'm going to book an appointment at my doctors. There's lots of information on your helpful site about what the Doc will test and how, but I'm not clear on if this will cost me anything. My partner did get pregnant with his ex girlfriend, she aborted as they were 'young & dumb' but I've never conceived, even before our lifestyle & medical issues. Sadly I'm starting to think we may be one of the unlucky ones, but I suppose I shouldn't stress about it until I know for sure. At least I have a wonderful partner for support & love. He says we'll get a puppy if we don't manage to be blessed with our own child! :lol:

Any help will be very much appreciated, thank you.

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