Red & Raw

24 Sep 2011

Hey guys!

First of all, my skin is quite bad today, not majorly bad, but as the title says it’s raw & red! But I’m not panicking over it. I went for a meal last night with my family, & I was literally starving when I got there so I cheated a bit & had some bread, and I was also wearing nail varnish, so both of them together must have aggravated my skin a bit! But I’m not freaking out over it, I know it’ll get better eventually.

However, today I have stayed completely loyal to my Paleo diet, snacking on nuts & fruit & eating salad a meat for my meals, so there will definitely be no cheating from now on! I really want to give this diet a proper go, since it could be the thing that changes my life! 🙂 I have also taken the nail varnish off completely.

I know I may be relying on this diet too much, but I cannot help it, finding out this diet has helped so many sufferers is like the light at the end of a long, depressing & aggravating tunnel! And I’ve been let down by things like this before, these so called ‘miracle cures’; people stating that they do a  honey face mask once a week & they’re cured! They’re the lucky ones of course…

But for us, it’s a much harder, itchy & upsetting road. Thankfully we can at least talk to people in the same situation! I’ve been going through this alone for a long time, until recently when I found the ‘talkeczema’ forums, and it has helped so much to see that people are going through the same thing, and who actually care. Unlike doctors who throw you a dangerous steroid cream & send you on your way!

Hope you’re all having a good day 🙂
Bye guys!

Brooke x



Hey, my name is Brooke. Basically, I have this blog so I can talk about eczema. I have suffered with eczema all my life, and when I turned 13 it flared up for no apparent reason, and has remained basically the same. So on here I will hopefully be blogging everyday explaining new things I am using to try and fight eczema, and hopefully I will overcome it. Happy blogging!

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