
Well – how did I get on over the weekend I hear you ask? Well, I had a lovely afternoon with a friend drinking …… EARL GREY tea! In the queue to order I had to stare at the muffins and cakes and I was so tempted to give in and go for a cake, never mind the latte! At the same time, that little voice in my head was screaming ‘latte – go on it’s only one, it won’t hurt’. But to my surprise, when I got to the front of the queue, the words Earl Grey came out of my mouth! I was so proud of myself. And I thoroughly enjoyed not one, but two pots of tea!

I think weekends are always tricky when trying to lose weight. Alcohol is my weekend demon – it harbours hidden calories …. and wine in particular is one of the worst offenders. So I switched to a couple of vodkas which I really enjoyed and didn’t feel like I was being too naughty.

So why do I want to lose weight? Well, I want to feel more comfortable in my clothes for starters. But more than that … as I work in the health industry I know how being over-weight can cause problems later in life. I’m no spring chicken and becoming more aware of issues such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease – more often than not associated with being over-weight – has made me stop and seriously think …. I don’t want to be one of the many millions who will become a burden to the NHS, society and potentially my children!

On that cheery note I’m off to eat my crisp-breads and banana …




Hi - I am Deborah, and was the founding director of talkhealth My blog is generally focused around my own personal story about weight loss, running, exercise and generally trying to get and stay fit, as well as what's been in the news that's topical. Any views expressed are my own.

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