I am not a fussy eater

It is not an allergic reaction

No, it isn’t contagious

Yes, I can eat potatoes

No, I can’t “just try a little bit”

These endless questions and assumptions made about coeliac disease can be tiring, monotonous and irritating. But if the world was educated about this worldwide disease, if people could understand more about what goes into their food and how it affects those suffering from gluten intolerance, the daily routine of explaining your dietary requirements could be so much less painful.

I was diagnosed with coeliac disease in 2001. At first my Mum thought the constant stomach aches I complained of were real, but after being constantly told by the doctor I was fine, she considered, as reasonable parent would, my dislike for school and became sceptical.

It wasn’t until my normal GP was off ill that the doctor we saw suggested that I might be suffering from coeliac disease. I had numerous blood tests, an endoscopy et voila, I was a fully diagnosed Coeliac!

I didn’t feel any great loss towards food at first, having spent twelve years of my life not particularly enjoying bread, cakes and pasta. But as every Coeliac will know, we have highs and lows.

Sometimes I relish my diet as I listen to my friends moan about how bloated bread makes them feel and how healthy my diet is. It’s true; the lack of processed food and other such glutinous rubbish has been the most positive thing about my condition. But sometimes I would just kill to be able to pick up a Subway on the way home from a night out!

Going gluten free is tough, but slowly the market is catching up with the daily demand. It is estimated that 1 in 100 are diagnosed in the UK with the disease, with more people out there suffering who don’t know why. So in this blog post, my number one message to you, is if in doubt, GET TESTED. Pester your GP, explain your symptoms and ask to be tested for coeliac disease. Don’t suffer alone.

For more information on how I cope with going gluten free, you can read my blog at www.theglutenfreeblogger.com



Sarah Howells was diagnosed with coeliac disease, and simultaneously an overactive thyroid, around ten years ago. She started The Gluten Free Blogger (www.theglutenfreeblogger.com) to share her experience of living with coeliac disease, and since she had her thyroid removed in December 2010, has also been blogging about that too. If anyone needs any advice on coping with coeliac disease or what to expect post-thyroidectomy, she’s your girl!

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