
2 Steaks

200 g of large prawns

Wheat & Gluten free seeded wrap

Gravy browning – a few drops

2 teaspoons cornflour

Spray oil for frying

2 carrots

Green salad leaves and 5 radishes for the salad bowl


Trim fat from the Steak

Fry steak till browned using spray oil

Cover with water and add a few drops of gravy browning

Cover with a lid and cook till tender

Chop carrots into bite size pieces and spray with oil.

Cook the carrots for 20 minutes in the oven whilst the steak is cooking.

Remove steak from the pan to rest and add cornflour to the sauce to thicken, cook.

Cook prawns

Taking a wrap add ingredients including gravy and fold wrap over. Serve with green leaves and sliced radish.

Serves 2

*If you are following a Low FODMAP diet then check your wrap for other Low FODMAP ingredients – the wrap in the image contains concentrated fruit juice of unknown source so it is unsuitable for the Low FODMAP diet. You can also serve the filling on other gluten-free breads such as gluten-free pitta, gluten-free ciabatta or gluten-free french bread for example.




I am a state registered dietitian and advisor to The IBS Network, the UK charity for people with irritable bowel syndrome. My specialty is dietary treatment of gut disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, crohns disease, ulcerative colitis, coeliac disease, lactose & fructose malabsorption and complex food intolerances. I also have experience in dietetic treatment of people who have bariatric surgery and weight management.

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