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“At Bowel Cancer UK, we were all saddened to hear of the news of Lynda Bellingham’s diagnosis of advanced bowel cancer.”

“But unfortunately it’s all too common.  Bowel cancer is the UK’s second biggest cancer killer and that’s why we launched our Time for Guts campaign to improve survival rates and support for people with advanced bowel cancer, in an urgent bid to save more lives. Every year 41,500 people are diagnosed with bowel cancer which equates to a diagnosis every 15 minutes and around 16,000 people die of the disease.”

“A diagnosis of incurable cancer obviously has a huge impact on the patient but also their family and friends, which is often underestimated.”

“People deal with their diagnosis in different ways but it can have physical, psychological, and emotional effects, as well as causing financial and relationship issues.  Therefore access to holistic support and care which is tailored to meet the needs of all those affected is essential.   Some patients and their families also find it helpful to meet others in the same situation.”

“Access to best treatment and care is critical and currently in the UK that can be patchy.  Some people are dying early because of late diagnosis and variations in treatment and care.  This must be addressed urgently.”

Deborah Alsina, Chief Executive, Bowel Cancer UK

Visit our website to find out more,

For more details on Time for Guts, visit,

Bowel Cancer UK is dedicated to saving lives and improving the quality of life for all those affected by bowel cancer. For more information about bowel cancer, please visit

About Bowel Cancer

Bowel cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in the UK, affecting both men and women. Every year over 41,500 people are diagnosed with bowel cancer which equates to a diagnosis every 15 minutes and around 16,000 people die of the disease.

Bowel cancer can be treated using a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and, in some cases, biological therapy. If diagnosed at the earliest stage, bowel cancer can be treated successfully, with nine out of ten people surviving for more than five years. However, only one in ten people are diagnosed at this stage.

Symptoms of bowel cancer include:

  • Bleeding from the bottom and/or blood in your poo.
  • A change in your normal bowel habit lasting three weeks or more especially to looser or runny poo.
  • Extreme tiredness for no obvious reason.
  • Unexplained weight loss.
  • A pain or lump in your tummy.

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