There’s this lovely little thing that happens on the 21st of every month in the ‘Future of Downs’ Facebook group.

We celebrate our children’s milestones and share what’s made us proud. We do this on the 21st to represent the three copies of chromosome 21 present in Down’s syndrome.

And there’s no such thing as an achievement too small. There’s a whole lot of love and pride bursting from the members every month – and quite rightly! From first finger feeding or first steps to first days at school or first sleepover with friends. Anything goes.

So, I’m hoping this will be a regular post on the 21st of the month where I can share Ella and Lucy’s recent achievements…

Ella’s had a lot of change in the last few weeks with Ian working away and with starting her new nursery. But, in true Ella style she has taken it all in her stride, is loving nursery (post soon!) and although she still looks in our room every morning for daddy, she’s happy with the explanation that he’s at work in his helicopter. She’s suddenly putting 2 and 3 words together much more naturally and is now holding her crayon properly when drawing. 

Lucy is now walking very confidently indoors and out. She also is a little chatterbox and continues to learn words and signs everyday. And she’s ridiculously cheeky!


It’s good to take a moment to appreciate the little things and to define what’s made me proud.

What will you share for the 21st? Feel free to leave your comments below xx


Amy Dunn

Our first baby, Ella Mary, was born at the end of November 2010. We were shocked to find out soon after her birth that she has Down's Syndrome. I was determined from the start that Down's Syndrome will never define Ella or what she is able to do. We will provide for her everything she needs to become the child and the person she deserves to be. There will be hard times ahead.... there are already many hard times behind us. But I already know that the good times will always outweigh the hard times. She has taught me so much in such a short time and seeing life from a new perspective is a privilege that not many of us get the chance to experience.

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