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Most common antidepressant does little to relieve depression symptoms

New research suggests that the most common antidepressant actually does little to relieve symptoms of depression. The largest study of its kind from University College London (UCL) found that most people taking the antidepressant sertraline saw little or no effect on depressive symptoms, including low mood, in the first six to 12 weeks of taking it.

Experts were surprised to find that sertraline may actually reduce anxiety more than depression.

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Students wait up to three months for mental health care

University data collected by the ex-health minister Norman Lamb reveals that students in the UK are having to wait up to 12 weeks to access mental health care.

Describing the waiting time as ‘outrageous’ Norman Lamb says ‘Universities with these long waiting times need to remember that students suffering from mental health conditions very often need help as a matter of real urgency. The risk is that their mental welfare will decline even further while they wait and wait for care and support.’

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Is the sugar tax working?

The latest figures show that on average, 100ml of sugary drinks now contain 28.8% less sugar than in 2015, and sales of soft drinks have increased between 2015-2018, but have shifted towards low or zero-sugar options.

However, the Public Health England figures show that efforts to persuade manufacturers and the public to voluntarily cut sugar in their food are way off target. The amount of sugar in the food we buy in the shops has actually gone up, in the same period from 2015 to 2018.

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Drinking tea may improve your health

According to a new study by the National University of Singapore, drinking tea might be good for your brain. Tea-drinkers may enjoy benefits such as better organised brains and healthy cognitive function, which protects against age-related decline.

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