Monthly Archives: May 2022

Guest blogger

25 May

Assess Your Eligibility to Claim and How Much Compensation You Could be Awarded

After an accident, it’s only normal to feel frustrated and panicked. You’re likely to wonder about your rights and whether you’re eligible for compensation for your injuries, losses, and car damage. Road traffic accidents are common, and the figures report …

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Guest blogger

17 May

HIV Treatment Cost

Some people living with HIV struggle financially. Their healthcare expenses overshadow any desirable non-essentials. Contrary to belief, not all HIV patients have insurance coverage. These patients are forced to pay out-of-pocket for diagnostic treatments and medications. Living with HIV without …

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Guest blogger

10 May

Overcoming the Stigma of Therapy

The history of stigma against mental illness is almost as old as mental illness itself. Throughout history, people with afflictions that marked them as strange or different have led to derision, mockery, and even assault or exile. This has been …

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