Search found 154 matches
- Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:55 pm
- Forum: Rosacea
- Topic: Oxytetracycline
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4154
Re: Oxytetracycline
Hi, The most common side-effects from taking oxytetracycline are loss of appetite, stomach ache, diarrhoea, and feeling or being sick. If you experience any of these, you should find they settle down within a few weeks. This antibiotic is not normally prescribed for longer than 3 months, so you shou...
- Mon Sep 10, 2018 9:12 pm
- Forum: Other Skin Conditions
- Topic: Skin breaking down
- Replies: 1
- Views: 5743
Re: Skin breaking down
Hi Linda, What you have described sounds really painful and if you haven't already done so I'd advise making another emergency appointment with your GP. I'd also stop using the Anusol, as it sounds as though it might be causing irritation or even an allergic reaction. For more information please fol...
- Sat Sep 08, 2018 4:50 pm
- Forum: Other Skin Conditions
- Topic: Sore and itchy hands
- Replies: 1
- Views: 5160
Re: Sore and itchy hands
Hi, The first thing I'd recommend is washing your hands with an emollient soap substitute, rather than soap or hand wash, as these contain harsh detergents that can damage the skin barrier and irritate the skin. For more information about these please see my previous post on the topic https://www.ta...
- Thu Sep 06, 2018 8:36 pm
- Forum: Acne
- Topic: hormonal acne
- Replies: 2
- Views: 5148
Re: hormonal acne
Hi Joanne,
I'm wondering how your PCOS is being treated, as once the hormonal imbalance associated with the condition is addressed your acne should improve.
I'm wondering how your PCOS is being treated, as once the hormonal imbalance associated with the condition is addressed your acne should improve.
- Thu Sep 06, 2018 8:25 pm
- Forum: Eczema & Dry Skin
- Topic: I suffer eczema and dry flaky skin on my eyelids
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4004
Re: I suffer eczema and dry flaky skin on my eyelids
Hi Antony, When I wrote the book '50 Things You can Do Today to Manage Eczema' I sought the opinion of Helen Pugsley, a senior dermatology lecturer at Cardiff University, as to whether it is safe to use hydrocortisone cream on the face. She told me up to one per cent hydrocortisone cream is safe to ...
- Wed Sep 05, 2018 4:32 pm
- Forum: Eczema & Dry Skin
- Topic: 2 year old
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3813
Re: 2 year old
Hi Laura, I'm sorry to hear about your son's eczema. Eczema flare-ups can be triggered by skin irritation caused by chemicals, such as the detergents, perfumes and other chemicals in bubble baths, shampoos, washing powders and fabric softeners. I would recommend using emollient soap substitutes (e.g...
- Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:56 pm
- Forum: Eczema & Dry Skin
- Topic: Best Cream To Use
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3799
Re: Best Cream To Use
Hi Catts, Normal soap and hand wash contain detergents that weaken the skin’s protective barrier causing irritation and inflammation, as well as perfumes and other chemicals that can further irritate your skin. Every time you wash your hands you're not only removing any emollient you've previously a...
- Sat Apr 14, 2018 1:01 pm
- Forum: general
- Topic: Gluten or wheat intolerance
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3103
Re: Gluten or wheat intolerance
Hi, When it comes to gluten It's important that you don't jump to conclusions too quickly without ruling out other possible IBS triggers. Many people cut out gluten thinking they'll be healthier, but the truth is, unless you have a firm diagnosis of a gluten intolerance or coeliac disease, it won't ...
- Sat Apr 14, 2018 12:26 pm
- Forum: constipation & diarrhoea
- Topic: constipation
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3023
Re: constipation
Hi Lisa Caroline, It seems you've already worked out that your medications are probably causing your constipation. You are also doing the right things diet-wise by eating high-fibre foods and drinking plenty of fluids. Physical activity is also important for maintaining regular bowel movements. I wo...
- Thu Apr 12, 2018 10:05 pm
- Forum: constipation & diarrhoea
- Topic: Repeated Diarrhoea
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3383
Re: Repeated Diarrhoea
Hi, It sounds like the diarrhoea occurs when you're feeling stressed. Stress is often involved in IBS. This is because the gut and brain are linked via the nervous system and constantly exchange messages.This means that whatever affects your brain also affects your gut. This is why some people have ...