Online clinic on skin conditions - Sept 2019

From 1 - 30 September 2019 talkhealth teamed up with Kinetico, The Allergy & Free From Shows, Veil Cover Cream, Action Against Allergy, British Skin Foundation, Eczema Outreach Support and The Vitiligo Society to present an Online Clinic on Skin Conditions.

Meet the sponsors, charity partners and experts here - ... s_2019.php

Moderator: talkhealth

1 topic

Post your acne related questions for our experts here.
Moderator: talkhealth

19 Posts

Re: Holiday acne

Tue Oct 01, 2019 9:36 am
Burns & Scars

Post your burns and scars related questions for our experts here.
Moderator: talkhealth

8 Posts
Eczema & Dry Skin

Post your eczema and dry skin related questions for our experts here.
Moderator: talkhealth

15 Posts

Re: Hypertototic excma

Tue Oct 01, 2019 9:39 am
Hair Loss

Post your hair loss related questions for our experts here.
Moderator: talkhealth

2 Posts
Psoriasis & Psoriatic Arthritis

Post your psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis-related questions for our experts here.
Moderator: talkhealth

9 Posts

Post your rosacea-related questions for our experts here.
Moderator: talkhealth

4 Posts

Re: Rosacea acne

Tue Sep 17, 2019 5:40 pm
Skin Cancer & Sun Safety

Post your skin cancer and sun safety related questions for our experts here.
Moderator: talkhealth

2 Posts

Post your vitiligo related questions for our experts here.
Moderator: talkhealth

6 Posts
Other Skin Conditions

Do you have a question related to a skin condition that doesn't fit in any of the other boards? Perhaps you're living with ichthyosis, hyperhidrosis or something else we've not covered? Your questions and discussions can be posted here.
Moderator: talkhealth

49 Posts
1 topic
Clinic Closed
Mon Sep 02, 2019 10:15 am
1 Posts
1 topic

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