Online clinic on thyroid disorders - Jan 2012
From 25 - 31 January 2012 the British Thyroid Foundation and sense about science teamed up with NHS Choices and talkhealth to present an Online Clinic on Thyroid Disorders.
Moderator: talkhealth
Talking with doctors
This is the forum to discuss thyroid issues when talking with doctors.
Moderator: talkhealth
Hypothyroidism (Underactive Thyroid)
Please post your hypothyroidism questions here for our experts to answer.
Moderator: talkhealth
Hyperthyroidism (Overactive Thyroid)
Please post your hyperthyroidism questions here for our experts to answer.
Moderator: talkhealth
If you have any questions about thyroid issues that don't fall into any of the forum categories above, please post them here for our experts to answer.
Moderator: talkhealth
Lumps and Thyroid Cancer
Please post your questions about lumps and thyroid cancer here for our experts to answer.
Moderator: talkhealth
Pregnancy and thyroid
Please post your questions about pregnancy and thyroid here for our experts to answer.
Moderator: talkhealth
Thyroid Eye Disease
Please post your questions about thyroid eye disease here for our experts to answer.
Moderator: talkhealth
Children and thyroid
Please post your questions about children with thyroid issues here for our experts to answer.
Moderator: talkhealth
Please post your questions about surgery here for our experts to answer.
Moderator: talkhealth
Online Clinic on Skin Conditions now open till 27th September 2024