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Periods after delivery

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 7:12 pm
by Sadafhassan
I delivered a baby in the mid of januray. May i know that how many days it takes to make your periods normal. After how many days my normal period will start as they were when i am not pregnant.

Re: Periods after delivery

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 8:09 pm
by Mr Jonathan Broome

Regrettably I don't have a crystal ball, it's impossible to say when your periods will resume and if you're breastfeeding they may not return for quite some time. Don't assume just because you're not having periods that you're not fertile as it's still possible to get pregnant and you may wish to consider using contraception.

If you're not breast feeding I'd suggest seeing you're GP after 6 months if you still haven't started your periods.