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Bladder leaking and pain etc

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 6:27 pm
by Pepsink2
Hi I'm late 20s and I have a lot of bladder pain and I leak a lot I'm told that they see protine in my urine and often think I have a slight infection but can't always be sure 100% I know when they had to do a bladder scan and I thought I'd gone there was still 400 mils in my bladder that was done as an extra test in a n e once and it was a bit alarming. I often feel I need to go and It hurts to go or I don't realise I'm so full and end up needing to rush and I find that I'm often getting symptoms of systitis really frequently
And the lower abdominal pain goes along with that. Does this need looking in to or is there anything I can do to help my self at home on the long term with this. And is this normal?


Re: Bladder leaking and pain etc

Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 11:26 am
by Mr Adrian Joyce
Thank you for this question and it looks as though you should see your GP for a referral to a Urologist to investigate the cause of the incomplete emptying of your bladder. A residual of 400ml will certainly predispose you to having recurrent infections due to the fact that there is a pool of urine at risk for the development of any infection. At your age the cause is likely to be a narrowing of the urethra (the outlet pipe) and a simple dilatation to open the outlet will enable you to empty your bladder more easily, and thus reducing the residual and so reduce the risk of future infection and pain.
Adrian Joyce