2 months bleeding Period Issues and OBGYN frustrations HELP!

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by SlightlyDazzed on Thu Nov 25, 2021 6:26 am

2 months bleeding Period Issues and OBGYN frustrations HELP!

So I have been on nexplanon for 5 years and 6 months ago I got the old one taken out and a replacement put in. About 2 months ago I starting experiencing horrible periods and heavy bleeding the color of black and brown. It has not stopped since. I have started experiencing dizziness and fatigue. I went to a OBGYN 2 weeks ago to get checked out, as that was the earliest I could be gotten in to be seen.

My appointment left me feeling numb and just a shell of a person. The man who was my doctor asked about my medical history and I began informing him of my cancers I have fought as a teen and long list of other medical complications with my female health. He immediately blew me off stating that I couldn't have had cancer due to this and that and that if all these other factors were true then I should have had these surgeries. I was flabbergasted and didn't know what to say or do. He then told me that what I was experiencing was probably irregular period which happen in 1 of 10 who get nexplanon. Ifnored the dizziness and fatigue that i complained about and proceeded to tell me to lay down so he could have a look and just do a pap examination instead. He then tells me due to the amount of blood most of the pap can't be done and ill have to come back at a later time but he'll,"do what he can". Wow thanks.
After all is said and done he tells me he is going to prescribed me pill birth control to increase my estrogen cause that might fix the problem and to give it a try for 3 months and if I'm still bleeding come back and well try something new.

I felt so dismissed. Unseen. I went to him cause I was in pain, scared, and needed help. I just got married and haven't been able to have sex due to this..(because of the mess and also the pain it causes to have intercourse, we tried and it was a big NO go) and now the doctor wants me to wait 3 more months while bleeding heavily with other symptoms adding on a completely different birth control onto the one I already had because he thinks I might need more, no test ran to see if I do or not just guessing at this point.

Idk what to do or what the hell could be wrong with me...any advice would be great. I don't have female friends to chat to or family to go to so please help a girl out :cry: