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swollen vagina/itchiness

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 7:42 am
by interestedinmyhealth123
Hi so i have a few questions concerning the health of my lady area and its pretty gross so my apologies but I would really like some help here

anyway my vagina has been super itchy recently, consistently, and yesterday i noticed a little discharge today there was a ton of discharge. so i thought i might have a yeast infection but i had no pain while peeing or having sex so i wasn't sure

but i couldn't take it and went kinda wild and scratched my vagina really hard for like 5 whole minutes, and now my labia minora is incredibly swollen and red. my inner lips are so swollen i can feel them rubbing together when i walk and they're basically bigger than my labia majora

is this something that can happen from scratching? is this normal? and if so how long will it take for the swelling to die down? plz help

also i have had some slightly irregular and dangerous sexual activity recently so i can share more if that
information would be helpful in figuring out what is happening, thank you and plz help!

I know this is pretty gross and this website probably wont allow me to post this because its pretty explicit, but think about the poor girls who's parents don't want them finding out this information and don't have the resources or money or information to find places where they can get information of sexual/feminine health, they don't have many places to go. even reddit (which lets you post about illegal drugs) removed this, i don't know where to go and i want to know what is happening to me
also people should feel more comfortable talking about vaginas anyway so please help me

Re: swollen vagina/itchiness

Posted: Sat May 25, 2019 10:54 am
by drshivanibhutani
Vaginitis often results from a bacterial, yeast, or viral infection or an imbalance in vaginal bacteria.