Any new treatments for nodular psoriasis/prurigo?

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by talkhealth on Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:00 pm

Any new treatments for nodular psoriasis/prurigo?

Any new treatments for nodular psoriasis/prurigo?
Phototherapy had no effect. Topical applications have no effect. Sometimes a cold bath will alleviate itching. Nothing the medical team has tried has alleviated condition. Thyroixin taken daily.
Condition been present for over a decade. The vesicles have at times presented in throat. Unpleasant scarring from eruptions.

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professor andrew r thompson
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by professor andrew r thompson on Wed Sep 26, 2018 1:46 pm

Re: Any new treatments for nodular psoriasis/prurigo?


I'm afraid that I can't comment on medical treatments but there are new support services available to help people with skin conditions manage the impact and also manage some of the symptoms such as itch.

The best starting point is to look at the websites of charities such as the psoriasis association and However, it is always a good idea to check in with your GP, who will be able to advise on the availability of further medical treatment and further support if that would be useful.

best wishes,

Clinical Psychologist
Dr Andrew Thompson
Registered Clinical and Registered Health Psychologist - DClinPsy., C.Psychol., AFBPsS., DipCAT., FHEA., BA(Hons) ... ompson.php

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