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What options are there for rest bite?

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 10:13 am
by Guest Posts
What options are there for rest bite? I feel like I need a break, physically and emotionally weak. I have no money to afford time away and feel I need to be admitted. But I can't find any support like this. The only mental health support is acute inpatient or infrequent therapy sessions in the community.
Thank you, Laura

Re: What options are there for rest bite?

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:26 am
by Jayne Ellis
Hi, Laura,

I'm sorry to hear that you are not feeling so good at the moment thank you for reaching out for advice.

I would advise you to go and talk to your GP about how you are feeling and see if they can sort something out for you.

Alternatively, MIND offers crisis houses and this is the link ... MLMIOhKg60

They offer telephone support as well so it might be worth speaking to them about your options. their phone number is 0300 1233393

the other useful charity is Rethink Mental Illness and they have information on respite support as well ... /arranging

Try and be kind to yourself when you are feeling this low and plan some nice things for yourself, reach out to friends and family and let them know how you are feeling so they can support you.
