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Nephrogenic Adenoma

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 10:35 am
by Guest Posts
I've been diagnosed with this and told it's a rare disease of the urinary tract. I've been told there's no medication treatment and so I go on suffering this pain. I've passed blood clots and my urine is murky I pee often no more clots Thank God ! I have to wear a diaper. I had uterus removed Bladder lifted told this would remedy my situation NO it didn't . I am a Type 2 Diabetic. Is there anyone else with this illness what's being done. How do you cope with this? I've lost a lot of weight as well. I've had four blood transfusions as well. Any help/advice would be welcomed. Thank you.

Re: Nephrogenic Adenoma

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 7:35 am
by Mr Chris Harding
This is indeed an uncommon problem. I have had a couple of patients that have responded to resection of the adenoma (I assume its in the bladder). May be worth discussing the relative merits of this with your urologist.