overactive bladder

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by dollyisanangel on Tue Jun 04, 2019 8:18 pm

overactive bladder

I was diagnosed with an over active bladder and put on oxybutinin. Is there anything I can do to help this besides the medications

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Julie Jenks
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by Julie Jenks on Thu Jun 06, 2019 3:04 pm

Re: overactive bladder

Hi Dolly
Limiting the foods and fluids you eat and drink with high caffeine, sugar, citrus and spicy contents helps a lot. It won't 'cure' your symptoms but it may help ease them, especially the urgency. E.G, pure orange juice will irritate your bladder, as will a strong espresso! If you smoke make some plans to cut down, or better still stop - this really upsets the bladder. Doing pelvic floor exercises helps to strengthen your ability to hold on (delay urinating), allowing time for your overactive 'contraction' to subside, and keep you dry. I know they take a lot of effort but if your over activity is causing you to leak then they are worth persevering with.
Hope this helps!
Julie Jenks
Advanced Nurse Practitioner

http://www.talkhealthpartnership.com/on ... _jenks.php

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Prof Christopher Chapple
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by Prof Christopher Chapple on Thu Jun 13, 2019 1:19 pm

Re: overactive bladder

A bladder diary would be helpful in assessing the amount that you drink. If the oxybutinin is not working then there are alternatives and clearly your doctor may wish to refer you to a specialist nurse or urologist.
Prof Christopher Chapple
The Urology Foundation expert & Consultant Urological Surgeon

http://www.talkhealthpartnership.com/on ... happle.php

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