suprapubic catheter

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Guest Posts
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by Guest Posts on Wed Jun 05, 2019 10:53 am

suprapubic catheter

I have an incomplete spinal cord injury and cauda equina. I had surgery for a suprapubic catheter in July last year but since then, during routine catheter changes the track has twice been lost and am currently waiting to have the surgery repeated for the third time. This has been very stressful and I wonder if there is anything that can be done to permanently preserve the track or is there any alternative if I continue to have problems. I have been told I cannot have a urethral catheter due to the spinal cord injury.
Many thanks
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Mr Chris Harding
Posts: 61
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by Mr Chris Harding on Mon Jun 10, 2019 7:43 am

Re: suprapubic catheter

In this situation I often try and insert a larger than usual SPC - say 18 or even 20 French. The other issue is who is changing the SPC - it maybe better to have the changes in hospital if you are not already.
Mr Chris Harding
Consultant Urological Surgeon ... arding.php

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Prof Christopher Chapple
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by Prof Christopher Chapple on Thu Jun 13, 2019 1:23 pm

Re: suprapubic catheter

I'm afraid there is nothing you can do to preserve the tract, it will close if the catheter is not in place. The most important thing is to tape the catheter in with some tape on your abdomen, but unfortunately the balloons holding these catheters in often do deflate, which can be very troublesome. If the catheter shows signs of coming out or does fall out then it is important to be seen as soon as possible to have it replaced, but even then it can be difficult.
Prof Christopher Chapple
The Urology Foundation expert & Consultant Urological Surgeon ... happle.php

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