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Fatigue & really low energy

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 11:21 am
by talkhealth
Hello there, I was wondering if you could please offer any advice or guidance on how to improve my energy levels? I'm in my late 20s, a healthy BMI, I eat a relatively healthy diet (pescetarian) sleep 8 hours a night and hit 10,000 steps a day.

Occasionally I also go for a jog or do yoga after work, but in the last month or so I've found I'm absolutely exhausted! I've been trying vitamin supplements to increase my energy but I still feel tired and it's affecting my concentration at work and I find when I get home I really struggle to motivate myself to do basic tasks like cook dinner or go to the supermarket. Could it be allergies or something else? Any advice would be really helpful! Thanks :)

Re: Fatigue & really low energy

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:35 pm
by Ali Mortimer
Thank you so much for your question. It sounds like you are doing all the right things so far... eating well, sleeping well and exercising! However, you are right to ask the question as your body is probably trying to tell you something.

There are other areas of our life that you can consider when you are feeling tired:

Stress, anxiety, worry can cause a form of fatigue that can make us tired. The source of this could be work or home environment related. If this is the case, have you considered a form of relaxation or mindfulness to help your stress levels?

Support and connection can also play a major part of our wellbeing too. Do you feel that you have a good network or community around you and people you can talk and confide in?

If you are still concerned, there are tests that GP's can run to see if you are low in particular vitamins or minerals and to see if your thyroid is working efficiently.

I hope that helps, if you have any more questions, please ask.

Thank you!

Re: Fatigue & really low energy

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 9:48 am
by Lauratu Osu
Hello, it sounds like your fatigue started just as the weather started getting warmer so something else to consider would be how much water you are drinking. Your body would need more hydrating during the warmer months than the cooler months. This seems quite obvious but in our busy lives we aren't always mindful enough of how much water we are drinking and need. Sometimes our bodies also send out signals that are not normally associated with thirst like craving something sweet and feeling tired.

Here are some quick and easy steps to help with increasing your water consumption that you can try and see if your energy levels pick up.

- a glass of water as soon as you wake up
- a glass of water after every cup of coffee or tea (coffee and tea are known to dehydrate the body)
- a glass of water when you feel tired
- a glass of when you feel a craving for something sweet
- make a conscious decision to drink some water in timed intervals (use an app maybe to help remind you)

Warm regards,