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Mucous in stool

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 6:29 pm
by sophiegibbin
Hi there,

I sometimes notice I get mucous in my stool when going to the toilet. I haven't noticed what this relates to, or any foods that seem to bring it on.

It's something I have long wanted to get checked out, but either too embarrassed or it hasn't felt urgent enough to go to the doctors.

Is this something I should be worried about, or is it a common side affect of IBS?

S x

Re: Mucous in stool

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 10:58 pm
by Dr Jamal Hayat
Hi Sophie,

Is the mucus in your stool the only symptom that you have - have you notice you any blood in the stool as well? In which case you should see your GP and be assessed.
Even if not at some point you should visit your GP practice to provide a stool (poo) sample for a test called faecal calprotectin. This looks for any underlying inflammation in the bowel. This is not urgent and I would suggest waiting until the current climate has improved. The likelihood is that this will be normal and there is nothing concerning, but if symptoms do persist - its always being assessed - even if it leads to normal results.

Kind Regards,
Jamal Hayat