Benzoyl Peroxide does it work?

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by Mobitoka on Thu May 25, 2017 4:59 pm

Re: Benzoyl Peroxide does it work?


I've used benzoyl peroxide for my acne and they do help lessen the redness and inflammation. I also noticed that my face wasn't as oily as it was when I was putting the cream on during the day. However, you do have to use it on a daily and long-term basis. The reason for this is that benzoyl peroxide doesn't permanently kill the bacteria that's causing the acne. Using it continuously helps treat existing acne and also prevents new ones from appearing.

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by desreecrooks on Wed Jan 03, 2018 6:21 am

Re: Benzoyl Peroxide does it work?

I am happy you found a solution. Be careful, using this product on continuous bases, because you can become dependent on it and allow your skin to become very sensitive and overly dry due to long-term use. I would definitely look for a natural product while using this and watch what I eat..

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by nestpillmart1 on Thu Jan 04, 2018 11:53 am

Re: Benzoyl Peroxide does it work?

Hydroquinone is the best skin care product which is use to remove acne spots on your skin and always helps to treat such types of patches on the skin.

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