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Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 12:13 am
by Lara J C

This might not be your area... but I'm interested in the link between rosacea and dry eyes. How can dry eye symptoms be minimised, beyond eye drops, drinking lots of water, Omega 3 ? This is a chronic long term issue, and ophthalmic suggestions have already been tried.

Thanks. :roll:

Re: Rosacea

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 12:59 pm
by Dr Anton Alexandroff
Dear Lara,

Thank you for your question. Skin rosacea is linked to ocular (eye) rosacea. Ocular rosacea is treated by ophthalmologists. There is also dry eye conditions which are not linked to rosacea, they are also treated by ophthalmologists.

I hope this is helpful.
With Best Wishes,

Dr Anton Alexandroff FRCP(UK) PhD CCT(Derm) FRSM FAAD
Consultant Dermatologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer
The British Skin Foundation Spokesperson
London, Cambridge, Leicester and Bedford

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