bowel movement

Clinical experts, including Dr Jamal Hayat, and Julie Thompson, will be available from 12-23 April to answer questions on issues surrounding bowel incontinence, bowel cancer, constipation, IBS and any other bowel issues.

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by friday85 on Mon Apr 19, 2021 2:18 pm

bowel movement

how can i get my bowels to move more effectively and efficiently?

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Dr Jamal Hayat
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by Dr Jamal Hayat on Tue Apr 20, 2021 9:59 pm

Re: bowel movement


It partly depends on why they are not moving effectively in the first place. Starting off with a healthy balanced diet ad lifestyle with lots of regular fresh fruit/veg, a good intake of non-caffeinated fluid and regular exercise. Please see the following link for some simple dietary tips to start of with: ... %20ibs.pdf.

Sometimes bowel habit can be affected by underlying conditions or medications, so, in particular if there is a change to your bowel habit, it is worth a visit to your GP to ensure in the very least you have in the least some initial diagnostic tests.
Dr Jamal Hayat
Consultant Gastroenterologist ... _hayat.php

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Julie Thompson
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by Julie Thompson on Wed Apr 21, 2021 8:02 pm

Re: bowel movement

Hi friday85

Some more detail about diet and lifestyle - you can try linseeds/flaxseeds or chia seeds - a tablespoon can be added to breakfast cereal, soup or salads but please do ensure that you drink a cup of fluid when you have it to help the fibre move through the bowel.

A really useful fruit to try is kiwi fruit. This has a similar effect to prunes in that it helps to keep fluid in the bowel and helps keep stools soft but it is a fruit that is better tolerated by people with digestive problems than prunes. Another really useful fact about kiwi is that you can eat the skin! Yes, this is true :o - but give it a wash first of course and the skin will increase the fibre content of the fruit by a third. The only consideration is, if you have never tried them and have a latex allergy, it's probably best not to try them because they can result in allergy occasionally in this situation. Sometimes people do have problems with prunes giving symptoms because of the sorbitol content - but if you don't have any issues you could try prunes instead, if you wish.

If you are increasing your fibre consumption then you should increase your intake slowly so that your bowel can adjust to a new level.

Activity can also help bowel function and you can see what the NHS says about exercise here and I would agree with Dr Jamal that if simple measures are not effective this should be investigated by your GP. I hope that helps.

Guts UK have information about constipation here ... stipation/

Kind regards

Julie Thompson
Gastroenterology Specialist Dietitian - BSc (Hons) Dietetics ... ompson.php

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