Anxiety and depression

Making sure your mental health is in tip-top condition is as important as keeping fit or sticking to good routines. Although conversations around emotional wellbeing are increasing, it can still be difficult to understand the symptoms and signs of the broad range of conditions. That's why talkhealth are offering this online expert clinic to help you make sense of mental health.

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Guest Posts
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by Guest Posts on Wed May 11, 2022 11:02 am

Anxiety and depression

I suffer from anxiety and occasional depression. I struggle with things in life and can get too overwhelmed, worry too much and panic.
There are certain situations which I can struggle to keep calm especially in work situations. i have had an awful time with dealing with Covid-19 which has made me lose my confidence and do daily tasks and to be motivated.
I just want to talk to someone who can i can tell them of my troubles and give me advice of what to do in certain situations so I am able to deal with them and not get in a panic and stress myself out necessary.
I cannot find anywhere in Luton where I can speak to someone and find out why I am the way I am and i want to change as I cannot live like this as it is upsetting and frustrating and is ruining my life.
Please help, thank you (Caroline)
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