rash that never disappear

Skin conditions don’t just stop at psoriasis and acne. In fact, dermatologists have identified more than 3,000 skin conditions. Rosacea, hives, moles, the list goes on! So, if you need some extra support when it comes to managing your skin, understanding your diagnosis or making sense of skin jargon our panel of experts are here to help.
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by linkydate@gmail.com on Fri Sep 09, 2022 3:25 pm

rash that never disappear

Hello, this is my first time using this so don't know how it works, but will just post. I have had a skin disease for more than 20 years now am currently 27. It just rash on most part of my body that includes legs, arms, wrist and stomach. It doesn't itch or irritate but it never total disappears, as far as i can remember. I have tried couple of creams but nothing. Will really appreciate if you could help to identify what exactly is it or how I can get rid of it

Dr Penelope Pratsou
Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Sep 08, 2022 3:15 pm
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by Dr Penelope Pratsou on Fri Sep 16, 2022 1:38 pm

Re: rash that never disappear

Thank you for posting and I am sorry to hear that you have had a persistent rash for 20 years.

I would encourage you to see your GP again and discuss whether any further investigations and treatments can be tried.

However, with over 3000 skin conditions, sometimes skin issues can be tricky to diagnose and your GP may then decide to offer you an onward referral to a dermatologist.

Dermatologists are experienced in dealing with tricky and persistent rashes and should be able to provide further insights into what is going on and how your condition can be managed.

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