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Hair thinning with age

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:59 am
by Guest Posts
I've always had quite thick hair, and never experienced hair loss/thinning before, but since turning 70 I've certainly noticed my hair has got a lot thinner and finer. I suppose it is just a symptom of the aging process but is there anything I can do to help with this? Thank you (Christine)

Re: Hair thinning with age

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 1:28 pm
by Dr Alia Ahmed
Dear Christine
Hair loss in your 70s is actually fairly common and has several options to consider for treatment -
1. topical minoxidil 5% foam available over the counter
2. oral treatment (e.g. minoxidil and finasteride, these are off license and need to be prescribed by a specialist)
3. supplementing iron and zinc if deficiencies are identified
4. hair fibres, thickening shampoos, and hair extensions are alternative options
5. platelet rich plasma and low level laser treatment are options that are being researched and explored
Please see a dermatologist to discuss in detail as hair loss is multifactorial and often benefits from a holistic approach. Often hair loss treatments are long-term, so you need all the right information before you start.
Dr Alia