Operation scar

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by RobRoy on Tue May 09, 2023 11:35 am

Operation scar

I have a major operation coming up in the next few months, apart from the actual procedure I am very worried about the scarring afterwards as it is in a visible place on my body. My wife has told me not to worry about it, but having seen a friend's scar for the same reason that doesn't look great, it has really concerned me. Is there anything you would recommend that I can do either before the operation or afterwards to minimise the scar?

Dr Penelope Pratsou
Posts: 14
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by Dr Penelope Pratsou on Wed May 10, 2023 3:39 pm

Re: Operation scar

It is natural to be worried about any aspect of major surgery including the resulting scar, especially if your friend did not have a good result. However it is important to remember that final scar appearance rests on several factors including the body site, surgical skills, post operative complications and your own body's healing abilities. Simply put, just because your friend's scar did not heal well does not mean yours won't.

Things that can help include following any post operative instructions on wound care carefully, massaging the scar twice daily for a couple of minutes per day once sutures or staples are removed and the scar has healed, using good sun protection measures on the fresh scar especially in the first few months after your operation. If you have a tendency to lumpy (keloid) scarring, the use of silicone gel or sheets to the resulting scar may also be advised. Please do discuss your concerns with your surgeon as they might have some further useful advice or recommendations that you would want you to follow.

Dr Penelope Pratsou

Posts: 2
Joined: Tue May 09, 2023 11:31 am
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by RobRoy on Thu May 11, 2023 10:22 am

Re: Operation scar

Many thanks that is reassuring to hear

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