
talkhealth is teaming up with a team of experts from the British Skin Foundation to answer your questions on psychodermatology. The clinic is open from 26th to the 29th February.
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Guest Posts
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Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2016 4:12 pm
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by Guest Posts on Tue Feb 27, 2024 1:26 pm


Hello - not sure if this is the right question here.... Once in a while I suddenly get large lumps come up on my face. They are not spots but look like spots. After looking them up I think they might be hives - they do go away but I can't work out why the come in the first place and then suddenly disappear. They look absolutely dreadful though and beginning to get me down as I just don't know when they will come back again.

Thanks Jane
talkhealth team on behalf of a guest visitor