Getting there

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Salty Bear
Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:17 am

by Salty Bear on Mon May 14, 2012 5:09 pm

Getting there

I weighed myself this weekend and found that i have lost 4lbs. I am thrilled with this but would like to point out that this is over the last month and it has actually taken me about 2 years to lose about a stone and a half.

I still have half a stone left before i reach my target weight and BMI. I am hoping to do this by the summer.

This has been a long and slow process but i am so pleased now. I saw some friends this weekend who i haven't seen for ages and they all said i looked great and about half the size i used to be.

So keep going, don't give up and you will get there!