Some People Believe

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by MissCandyGirl on Mon Feb 01, 2021 10:42 am

Some People Believe

That dieting makes one heavier in the long run. In fact, a study on the prisoners of nazis in the previous century, found that the emaciated prisoners - when released and back on a normal diet - ballooned up in size. Whereas those who had been less emaciated stayed a smaller size.

I do not know exactly the science behind this theory, but it could explain why the skinniest end up the fattest. It isn't because they are greedy and stuff their face non-stop throughout the day: it is because their body is holding onto the fat in case of further starvation.

In short, weight only stays off when the person eats normally. Yes: we know starving oneself loses weight. That is true. BUT once normal eating is resumed, the weight will pile back on and the dieter will be larger than before taking up the diet.

Also, food cravings worsen if the person denies their food cravings. Basically, if you're saying you mustn't eat it, you'll end up eating it and eating too much of it. Not because you're greedy, but because your brain doesn't want you to starve.

The brain and body are far more advanced than a crash diet.

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by Icecream101 on Wed Mar 03, 2021 11:30 pm

Re: I'm really struggling

I'm new on here I have just joined so I apologise if I've done anything wrong. I'm only 16 years old but I'm proper struggling with my weight and not so much my weight but my family who put pressure on me to lose weight. I need people to talk to and I know this is a long shot and appreciate some people wanna stay anonymous but I could really do with numbers, Snapchat, Instagram it will really help me and be much appreciated
Once again thanks so much x

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by MissCandyGirl on Mon Apr 19, 2021 12:24 pm

Re: Some People Believe

I'm struggling with my weight, too. It goes up and down, non-stop. I don't even overeat. I don't starve myself either, though.

I just need to exercise more. I really think looking at long-term weight loss - instead of a quick fix - will benefit you. You're not alone with your weight struggles. Just look after your health at the same time. Also, avoid diet pill and laxatives: your gut will not like them. I can't go into more detail than that. But you get the gist, I hope.

Do the usual:

1. Avoid crisps - limit yourself to one pack a week
2. Reduce ice cream - have one a week
3. Cook your dinners yourself - and avoid readymeals
4. Don't starve yourself - pace your hunger instead
5. Walk more often
6. Don't overdo the exercise - or you'll injure yourself and won't be able to continue to exercise
7. Allow yourself the odd bar of chocolate - just to get rid of cravings
8. Learn to understand how your body works
9. Learn to find positives with your appearance and body shape
10. Don't use height weight charts - they're not accurate and are outdated
11. Let yourself eat custard! LOL
12. Eat 3 light meals a day - cornflakes/light sandwich/healthy home cooked dinner

I do hope I've helped!

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by Lisakelly689 on Thu Dec 09, 2021 9:31 am

Re: I'm really struggling

Icecream101 wrote:
Wed Mar 03, 2021 11:30 pm
I'm new on here I have just joined so I apologies if I've done anything wrong. I'm only 16 years old but I'm proper struggling with my weight and not so much my weight but my family who put pressure on me to lose weight. I need people to talk to and I know this is a long shot and appreciate some people wanna stay anonymous but I could really do with numbers, Snapchat, Instagram it will really help me and be much appreciated
Once again thanks so much x
Hey! Ice-cream I feel very bad to hear your problem and now its a problem which cause many other issues weight is also gain by the cause of hormones issues. Not only that but also by the cause of eating junk food. Now I will suggest you a proper diet plan which might help you in losing your weight. First of all its start from early to bed and early to rise. When you get up start your day with a glass of water and mix two spoon honey in it if you like honey. Then if you like to exercise in morning then do it otherwise let it be in evening. Then in breakfast try to eat home cooked food. Then in lunch take salad with any combination like Green tea. And in dinner take healthy food not normally and take a mug of milk. Go to be after 30 to 40 minutes after dinner. If you have nothing to do much work then I suggest you to take some responsibilities around you. It will charm your personality. After all Try to be Happy! Take care of yours and yourself! Wish you all the best!
Cheers! :)
Last edited by Lisakelly689 on Thu Dec 09, 2021 9:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 657
Joined: Thu Sep 26, 2019 6:11 pm

by MissCandyGirl on Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:08 am

Re: Some People Believe

Agreed, lisakelly689.

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