Computer addiction - your choice?

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by LizaPold on Mon May 27, 2019 11:15 am

Computer addiction - your choice?

For many years I have been creating program interfaces, participating in the development of a social network. Every time we set ourselves the task to seize your attention. The time you spend on the social network, the duration of the game on the computer affects the profits of the creators. In the course are various tricks and tricks. You are given what is missing in real life. Everything is done so that you lose the sense of time.

After leaving this business, for many years I have been practicing psychological counseling. And increasingly, they turn to me with questions of computer addiction. Every time in one form or another I hear the phrase: "I want to play, I want to spend the whole night on the Internet."

Do not be fooled! In many ways, this is not your choice. This is the result of your manipulation!

How to determine the pathological form of computer addiction

The addict does not know exactly how much time he spends at the computer. For example, can not predict the end time of the game. Not able to break away from the computer, even when it is necessary to do other things.

With the further development of computer addiction, interest is lost in studies, in work, in one’s own family, in life. The addict begins to neglect personal hygiene and reduces sleep time.

All thoughts and aspirations of the addict begin to be associated exclusively with the use of gadgets - with computer games or social networking.

Human life, with computer addiction, collapses.

The sooner you notice signs of dependence on the computer, the easier it will be to overcome

How to get rid of computer addiction yourself

First of all, you must admit to yourself in the presence of a serious problem.

There must be a powerful motivation for getting rid of computer addiction. It is important to understand how much you deprive yourself of, moving away from reality into the virtual world. Realize the catastrophic consequences of pathological gambling addiction or excessive dependence on virtual communication.

Do not wait until computer addiction completely destroys life. Formulate new life goals and systematically move towards their achievement.

Replace computer games and computer chatting with another activity. Think how much you can spend time and money on a computer. It is very important to find a hobby that would bring pleasure and a sense of joy.

In no case do not let yourself be inactive or bored. Do not give computer addiction any chance to return to your life.

Help relatives when getting rid of computer addiction

Computer addiction is hard for a loved one, subject to gambling or other types of dependence on gadgets. However, relatives and friends can really help get rid of addiction.

It is important to give dependent support. We need to help recognize the existence of computer addiction and believe in the possibility of getting rid of it.

No need to follow the path of prohibitions and punishments. Atmosphere to treat addiction should be as positive as possible. Try to distract the addict with other activities in which he would experience positive emotions. The occupation in which the addict would not turn to a computer game was not all the time with a smartphone or tablet.

Use the opportunity to spend time outdoors, in a theater or museum. It is necessary to find a lesson that would distract from the computer, tablet and phone.

If the addiction is caused by a lack or communication problems, try to invite more guests. Participate in events related to team entertainment.

The help of the psychologist in getting rid of computer addiction

If you need support in getting rid of addiction. If it is not possible to overcome the dependence on computer games, on the constant unproductive use of gadgets by yourself and with the help of close ones, do not waste time!

Delay will enable computer addiction to harden even more.

Seeking professional help and working together to get rid of computer addiction is the most effective way.

During the consultation, you will receive all the necessary help and support.