Depression with time

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by MONATIWARI on Sun Aug 01, 2021 1:49 pm

Depression with time

Greetings to everyone,
I am Mona Tiwari
I am a teacher, teaching in private school.
This covid time is very tough. Salary had stopped coming from schools,
the means of earning money was reduced.
Savings which were only in name also started getting empty. And there was daily fear whether
I had got covid, I was very depressed, didn't know what to do.
I can't even tell how dangerous I was thinking at that time, I was so alone at the time and
was afraid that something might go wrong with me.
But with time everything went well, my depression also reduced a lot, it was completely gone.
So if anyone is scared, all I can give is a suggestion, let the time pass,
Should do meditation, yoga, music is best friend.
I started using the internet a lot, because what else would I do if I used to sit empty all day.
Read a lot of books, visited a lot of mental related websites,
listened to music, consulted doctors, and it really helped a lot.

but today I Feel somehow depressed, don't know what I am thinking about.

what to do now....unable to think?

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Joined: Thu Sep 26, 2019 6:11 pm

by MissCandyGirl on Fri Aug 06, 2021 1:51 pm

Re: Depression with time

I also have done most of all things: I listen to music, I read a lot of books, I do yoga once in a while, I use the Internet often, I see a therapist, I write poetry, I go out into the sunshine to increase my energy levels.

I have taken many steps to reduce any feelings of depression. I do also pray and I have hope: hope that a better day will come along. Because where would we be without it?

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