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Mental health all over place

Posted: Sun May 15, 2022 10:56 am
She went out with work friends for a bday party and when she came home at 8. Hugged me kissed me and said she loved me. I felt something was off as she said she was smoking pot at girlfreinds house but couldn't smell it so asked more, she said she kissed a guy and that was it back to girls house for smoke. I forgave and moved on next day the guy she said she kissed added her on Facebook and it took her 2 days to remove him as she wanted to be polite and message him first to say she was removing it. Fast forward 2 weeks. It's come to light after the club closed they got a hotel room and had sex and were together in there for 4 hrs.
She made every effort to brush this as just a kiss and a mistake and we should forget it, she even told me she knew what she was doing that night aswell.

What do I do. She lied, hid it from me, slept with a guy, added him on Facebook and struggled to block him.