New to forum: Bizarre Wellbutrin Side Effects? Help?

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by Panoply76 on Tue May 07, 2013 11:06 pm

New to forum: Bizarre Wellbutrin Side Effects? Help?


I am new to the mental health forum here, and new in general to talkhealth. I have suffered depression for all of my adult life, sometimes quite severe. It is in crisis mode now, and approximately 3 weeks ago I told my doctor this. He doubled my Wellbutrin from 150mg to 300mg. I also take Cymbalta 60mg. Thursday last I began to experience some very terrifying events. I began to 'lose time.' That is, I would come to myself and find that I had spent a very long time apparently motionless, staring into space with no memory of what I was thinking. An example. The neighbors were having a big 80ft oak cut down and I went out onto the back porch to have a look. The next thing I know an hour to an hour and a half had passed during which I had apparently not moved. This was disturbing enough, but that night I began to experience auditory hallucinations. I heard my name whispered where there was no possibility that it had been done by a person. I began to believe that someone was trying to drive me insane when things 'went wrong,' that is, when I encountered a negative circumstance. I DO recognize that this is irrational.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this with regard to Wellbutrin? Please let me know!
