Mental Health creeping back on me

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by jackocoleman94 on Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:00 am

Mental Health creeping back on me

Hey guys, i am 19 years old and have had 'psychosis' since i was 14. During this time i have also been diagnosed with depression in 2011 and ADHD in late 2011 (10 years late) and am now getting treated for anger management.
I have been through a rather rough time with parents splitting up which didn't help.
Long story short..
I always found it the hardest when i was at school/college/work as when i had to focus i couldnt for periods no longer than 5 minutes (ADHD) this always got me upset and annoyed when i couldnt do so and always ended up in one big vicious circle. The voices that i have in my head (stellar and isadore) tried to make things work and better for me buh occupied my brain to much.
This all then led onto depression and i still get my low days but so does everyone else.
I went a bit off the rails in 2012 from a loss of a baby (yes i am young and not the right time, but it still affected me just as it would anyone else) i started drinking more due to just turning 18 Nd thinking it will all be okay which led into drug taking at my own choice which wasn't the best idea. I know this likely didnt help me what so ever but i got out of it
It got to the point where i felt so alone, different from everybody and with lots of thought i decided to try and take my own life. I took 16 of my anti depressant tablets (fluoxetine) along with ritalin. I felt very ill after 20 minutes and knew it was about to happen, i listened to music and left my house to a green across the road, before i could reach there i collapsed and words cannot describe what was happening. All i could think about was my parents, sisters and my two bestfriends so i decided to make myself sick.
Next thing i know i am in hospital and have damaged my heart. From that day i decided i had to sort it all out which thankfully i was able to. I have been signed off the mental health services for some while now but recently have been experiencing the symptoms some what. Unfortunately being unemployed i have all the time to think of everything and winds my head up and is horrible. I don't know what to do or who to go to, so if anyone has suggestions or knows what to do, feel welcome to comment.

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Joined: Fri May 02, 2014 11:26 am

by jackedison on Fri May 02, 2014 11:52 am

Re: Mental Health creeping back on me

Hey Jack,
Its really sad to see you go through so many worst phases of life.drugs, alcohol abuse etc.But antidepressants like Cymbalta or Effexor really work to resolve depression issues, however the only thing to be kept in mind is they should be used as prescribed by psychiatrists.Get well soon. tc.

Posts: 27
Joined: Mon Sep 08, 2014 7:10 pm

by frederickwilfred on Tue Oct 07, 2014 6:37 pm

Re: Mental Health creeping back on me

Mental health is the most important term for our daily life.when my mind is not in a good condition, I never concentrate in any tasks. So we should keep our mind fresh to lead our life successfully.

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